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Slighe Sealg na CΓ isge

Chan eil sgeul air uighean na CΓ isg! When the Easter Bunny's special chocolate chickens fly the coop, Zack and Quack head off to help round them up.

Tha na cearcan aig a' Choineanach CΓ sg - na cearcan a bhios a breith na h-uighean teoclaid - air teicheadh! Tha Zack 's Quack a cur romhpa a cuideachadh gus am faigh iad uile dhol air Slighe-sealg na CΓ isge.

The Easter Bunny's special chocolate chickens - the ones that lay the chocolate Easter eggs - have flown the coop! Zack and Quack head off to help the Easter Bunny round them up so that this year's Easter egg hunt can go ahead.

11 minutes
