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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 6

Tha Màiri NicRisnidh agus deagh chòcairean Gaidhealach a'deasachadh dinnear na Sàbaid. Mairi MacRitchie and cooks from across the Highlands prepare recipes for a Sunday dinner.

Tha Màiri NicRisnidh a'siubhal na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean a'tachairt air na còcairean is fheàrr - feuch an seall iad dhi ciamar a tha iad fhèin a'dèanamh na seòrsaichean annlan is fheàrr leotha.

Anns a'phrògram seo tha Màiri a'cluinntinn dè bhiodh math airson dinnear na Sàbaid. Tha sitheann tunnaig a'cheart cho freagarrach ri feòil mairt air a ròstadh - agus cha toir e faisg cho fada a'bruich. Chan eil a dhìth às a dhèidh ach cèic aotrom làn mheasan, le ughagan còmhla ris.

'S toil leis an teaghlach aig Màiri an anail a leigeil Là na Sàbaid - agus cruinneachadh mun bhòrd gu deagh bhiadh. Bi ise aig an stòbh a'dèanamh brot spìosrach thiugh air currain-gheala, furasta a dheasachadh ro làimh, agus sgoinneil mar chiad chùrsa. Feumar deagh mhìlsean Là na Sàbaid cuideachd - fear milis beairteach le tofaidh, agus an reòiteag mhìn aice fhèin cuide ris.

Mairi MacRitchie is in the Highlands and islands meeting the country's most enthusiastic and skilled cooks and bakers. They share with her the tried and tested recipes that they couldn't be without.

In this programme Mairi gathers recipe ideas for a Sunday dinner. Duck breasts are a great alternative to the traditional roast joint and can be served up in half the time, and a light cake filled with fruit and served with custard will round off any Sunday meal.

Mairi's family always look forward to a Sunday as a day of relaxation and good food. She will be at the stove preparing a hearty spicy parsnip soup that is the perfect Sunday starter and can be made in advance. Sundays should always be a bit of a treat too, and nothing says that more than a rich sticky toffee pudding. Mairi makes her own with silky smooth homemade ice cream.

30 minutes

Last on

Sun 12 Nov 2017 20:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Mairi MacRitchie


Reasabaidhean - Sreath 8

Reasabaidhean - Sreath 8

Na reasabaidhean bhon t-sreath ùr.

A' Fuine le...

Series in which Mairi MacRitchie meets some of the country's best bakers.