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Priobag an Itealaig

Tha na caraidean son itealag a thogail ach chan urrain dhaibh aonta dhèanamh air dreach. The friends want to make a kite, but they can't agree on a design.

Tha rèis nan itealag gu bhith ann 's tha na caraidean airson pàirt a ghabhail. Ge-tà, nuair a dh'fheuchas iad ri itealag a thogail cha tig aca air aonta a ruigsinn air dreach neo dath!

It is the day of the big kite contest, and Zack, Ciora and Quack decide to enter together. But when it's time to make their kite, the friends discover that they have very different ideas about how to do it.

11 minutes
