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Episode 4

Episode 4 of 8

Anna NicLeòid a' còmhradh ri dithis neach mu na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha. Anna MacLeod speaks to Ishbel Murray and Alasdair Crow about their favourite books.

Ann an t-sreath seo bidh Anna NicLeòid a' còmhradh ri dithis neach gach seachdain mu na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha agus a' faighinn a-mach barrachd mam beatha.

An t-seachdain seo bi Iseabail Mhoireach, tidsear is neach-ealain, ag innse dhuinn mu shiubhal agus mun leabhar The Book of Books le Melvyn Bragg a chaidh a sgrìobhadh as dèidh cùis-mhulaid na bheatha. Bidh Alasdair Crow, fear a dh'ionnsaich Gàidhlig, ag innse carson a tha e a-nis ag ionnsachadh Tìleis, agus bidh e cuideachd a' leughadh earrann às an leabhar Ùpraid, leabhar a chaidh eadar-theangachadh bho Ghaelige gu Gàidhlig.

A bharrachd air bruidhinn mu thrì de na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha tha gach duine air aon dhiubh sin a mholadh dha chèile son a leughadh agus gheibh sinn a-mach anns a' phrògram co-dhiù an do chòrd na leabhraichean riutha - neo nach do chòrd!

Anna MacLeod talks to two guests each week about their favourite books and also finds out more about their lives.

In this episode, Ishbel Murray, a teacher and artist, tells of her travels and discusses The Book of Books by Melvyn Bragg, which was written after a personal tragedy. Alasdair Crow, who is a Gaelic-learner, tells us why he is now learning to speak Icelandic and reads from the book Ùpraid, which was translated from Gaelige to Gaelic.

As well as discussing their favourite books, each guest has chosen a book for the other to read, and we'll find out in the programme whether they enjoyed it - or not!

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Anna MacLeod
Interviewed Guest Ishbel Murray
Interviewed Guest Alasdair Crow
