Episode 13
Pupils of Glasgow Gaelic School go back to 1940 to find out what school was like, Patrick from North Uist talks about his hobbies, and Blair and Zoe take part in the hopper race.
Tha sgoilearan à Bun-sgoil Ghà idhlig Ghlaschu a' dol air ais an am tìm agus a' faighinn a-mach dè seòrsa cruth a bh' air latha sgoile ann an 1940. Gheibh sinn a-mach cuideachd mu na cur-seachadan aig Pà draig à Uibhist a Tuath san Rud as Fheà rr Leam agus 's iad Blair agus Zoe à Bun-sgoil Innis an Uillt a tha a' strì ann am Puingean nam Boingean.
The pupils of Glasgow Gaelic School go back in time to 1940 to find out what school life was really like then, Patrick from North Uist tells us about all about his favourite hobbies, and Blair and Zoe from Meadowburn Primary School take part in the hopper race.
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