Episode 10
The presenters are faced with an ambitious challenge for Children in Need. Along with Pudsey, they visit schools along the route and learn about a youth project.
Tha dùbhlan mòr air thoiseach air Derek, Megan, Stephanie agus Annabel airson Clann ann an Èis. A thuilleadh air an dùbhlan, bidh iad fhèin agus Pudsey a' tadhal air iomadh sgoil air an t-slighe agus a' faighinn a-mach mu phròiseact òigridh a tha a' faighinn taic airgiod bhon a' charthannas. Ach saoil dè an dùbhlan a bhios romhpa? Dèan cinnteach gum bi thu a' coimhead agus gheibh thu a-mach!
Derek, Megan, Stephanie and Annabel are faced with an ambitious challenge for this year's Children in Need. Pudsey and the presenters will visit schools along the route and learn about a youth project that receives funding from the charity. But what will the challenge actually be? You'll have to tune in to find out!
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