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Cruachan Power Station is turning 50, so Derek takes a trip to Argyll to find out more about it. Plus Alice and Finley from Tiree Primary School take on the hopper challenge.

Tha Stèisean Cumhachd a' Chruachain a' comharrachadh ceann-bliadhna sònraichte air a' mhìos seo agus leis gu bheil, tha Derek air thuras a dh'Earra-Ghàidheal gus barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mun bheinn fhalamh a tha cho iongantach. Agus 's iad Alice agus Finley à Bun-sgoil Thiriodh a tha a' strì ann am farpais Puingean nam Boingean.

Cruachan Power Station is celebrating its 50th anniversary, and Derek takes a trip to Argyll to find out more about this very special hollow mountain. Alice and Finley from Tiree Primary School take on the hopper challenge.

30 minutes

