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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 5

A chat with MΓ rtainn leaves MΓ iri suspicious, and she's forced to find out what's going on, but she could never have imagined what she discovers.

Le Alasdair air ais sa bhaile mhòr, tha còmhradh le Màrtainn a' toirt adhbhar iomagain do Mhàiri agus 's fheudar dhi tilleadh ann I fhèin gus an fhìrinn a shiubhal: tha na tha i faighinn a-mach thar smuain dhi. Air ais air an eilean, tha coigreach a' nochdadh: tè bhragail, bhreagha a tha buailteach an ceòl a chuir air feadh na fìdhle - gu h-àraidh le Donneil. Tha Fionnlagh ann an èiginn 's e feuchainn ri obair fhaighinn aig an Urras, fhad 's a tha Donna ga milleadh fhèin aig taigh-òsta spaideil.

With Alasdair back in the city, a chat with MΓ rtainn leaves MΓ iri suspicious, and she's forced to go and find out what's going on - but she could never have imagined the truth she discovers.

Back on the island, a stranger arrives - brazen and beautiful and bound to set the cat amongst the pigeons, especially with Donneil. A desperate Finlay blackmails Donneil for a job, while Donna splashes the cash at a boutique hotel.

30 minutes

Last on

Wed 18 Sep 2024 22:30


Role Contributor
Anndra Iain Beggs
Raonaid Catriona Campbell
Cailean Cailean Collier
Young Boy Cameron Greatorex
Nebhada Annie Griffin
Waiter Ewen Duncan
Receptionist Hannah McKirdy
Donneil Alasdair MacKay
Coinneach John MacAskill
Uncle Roddy Calum MacKinnon
Alasdair Donald MacKinnon
Murchadh Donnie Finlayson
Seumas Darren MacLean
Iain Alasdair MacLennan
Tormod Ian Macrae
Iseabail Mairi Morrison
Morag Chrissie Smith
Mairi Debbie Mackay
Anna Kaylimia MacKenzie
Ciorstaidh Ellen MacDonald
Donna Donna Morrison
Aonghas Roddy Shaw
Fionnlagh David Walker
Peigi Peggy Wood
Writer Catriona Campbell
Writer Seumas MacMillan
Writer Calum MacKinnon
Writer Iain MacLeod
Writer Seonag Monk
Writer Chrisella Ross
Director Tony Kearney
Director Christopher Young
Producer Christopher Young
Producer Morag Stewart
Producer Sarah Jane Campbell
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Music Donald Shaw
Music Sorren MacLean
Director of photography Craig McKirdy
Sound Duncan Reid
Editor Iain Miller
Sound Michael MacKinnon
Lighting Steve Arthur
Costume Supervisor Maggie Miller
Hairdresser Jacqui Mallett
Makeup Supervisor Jacqui Mallett
Production Manager Annette Nic'illechiar


Air cΓΉl camara

Air cΓΉl camara

Behind the scenes.

Agallamh le Chris Young

Producer Chris Young with an fascinating insight into his role