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CΓ²-lΓ  breith sona Timmy/Happy Birthday Timmy

Children's series. The flock throw a party for Timmy's birthday, but when the flock become distracted, he decides to entertain himself.

'S e cò-là breith Timmy a th' ann agus tha an Treud a' cur pàrtaidh air dòigh dha. An toiseach, tha an gnothaich a' còrdadh ris ach nuair a tha e air fhàgail leis fhèin, cò aig tha fios dè thachras......

It's Timmy's birthday, and the flock have thrown a party for him. At first he's delighted by all the attention, but when the flock become distracted and he's left with no-one to play with, he decides to entertain himself.

5 minutes
