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Children's series. Joey convinces himself that the team don't want him as their goalkeeper and that they are speaking about him behind his back. What is going on?

Tha Joey den bheachd nach eil an sgioba ga iarraidh mar an glèidheadair aca tuilleadh. Tha e den bheachd gu bheil iad a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn 's tha e ga dhùnadh fhèin air falbh bho chàich. Nan robh fios aige gur e pàrtaidh a bha iad ag ullachadh!

Joey convinces himself that the team don't want him as their goalkeeper. He has also convinced himself that they are speaking about him behind his back. Joey shuts himself off from the team. If only he knew that they were organising a party for him!

23 minutes
