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Slow Cooking

Mairi MacRitchie meets some of the country's finest cooks and bakers, who share their recipes. In this episode, Mairi gathers delicious recipes for slow-cooked dishes.

Tha Màiri NicRisnidh air chuairt eile tron Ghàidhealtachd is nan Eileanan a' coinneachadh ri sàr-chòcairean a sheallas dhi am biadh is fheàrr leothasan a dhèanamh. Anns a' phrògram seo tha Màiri ann an Leòdhas, san Eilean Sgitheanach agus ann am Beinn na Fadhla a' cruinneachadh dòighean air biadh a bhruich air a shocair - ach am bì e nas blasta mar is fhaide bhios e air an stòbh. Tha deagh chòcairean deiseil le molaidhean a dh'fhàgadh neach sa bith sanntach air an dìnnear - eadar meireangan làn charamal, gu stòbhach bheairteach sitheann féidh, air a bhruich le fìon dearg is piobar. Tha Màiri cuideachd ag ionnsachadh mar a nì i silidh le dearcan chaorainn - air leth feumail son a chur an luib stòbhach sa bith. Agus airson greim milis, tha Màiri a' bruich mìlsean ann an deatach, ga chòmhdach le siorap agus ga thoirt seachad le steall mhath custard na chois aig deireadh dìnnear na Sàbaid.

Mairi MacRitchie is in the Highlands and islands meeting some of the country's finest cooks and bakers, who share with her their favourite and most treasured recipes.

In this programme Mairi is in Lewis, Skye and Benbecula gathering delicious recipes for slow-cooked dishes that improve the longer you cook them. Her cooks are on hand with suggestions that will make any tummy rumble, from crisp and chewy meringues with a caramel filling to a rich and peppery venison and red wine casserole that can be cooked for hours on end, letting the flavours develop. Mairi also learns how to make rowan jelly, the perfect addition to any stew or casserole to give it a delicious gloss and extra flavour. And for something sweet Mairi makes her own retro steamed syrup sponge, the perfect Sunday treat served with dollops of thick custard.

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Mairi MacRitchie


Reasabaidhean - Sreath 8

Reasabaidhean - Sreath 8

Na reasabaidhean bhon t-sreath ùr.

A' Fuine le...

Series in which Mairi MacRitchie meets some of the country's best bakers.