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Episode 9

Episode 9 of 18

Megan visits the Scottish Sealife Sanctuary in Oban and pupils from Glenurquhart Primary School take on the space hopper challenge.

Tha Megan a' coinneachadh ri dòbhrain agus ri ròin aig Tèarmann Beathaichean-mara na h-Alba anns an Òban. Bidh Hamish às na Hearadh ag innse mu na cur-seachadan a th' aige-san. Agus bidh sgoilearan Bun Sgoil Ghleann Urchadain a' strì ann an dùbhlan hopair Puingean nam Boingean.

Megan visits the Scottish Sealife Sanctuary in Oban and meets some of the resident otters and seals. Hamish from Harris shows off his favourite hobbies and pupils from Glenurquhart Primary School strain every sinew in their attempt at the space hopper challenge.

1 hour
