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Drama series telling the story of WWI as seen through the eyes of children. In this episode, a young Russian boy enlists in the war effort after his family is killed.

Sreath do phrògraman mu'n a Chiad Chogadh tro shuìlean clann a bha beò aig an àm. Bha an gill' òg. Ruiseananch, Misha Petrowski a' fuireach faisg air Kiev nuair a thàinig an t-arm Ostranach air cur às dha theaghlach. Bha cleachdadh anns an Ruis, nan cailleadh clann am pàrantan, gu rachadh iad dhan arm - 'be sin an dearbh rud a rinn Misha.

Series about the First World War, told through the eyes of the children who were alive at the time. The young Russian boy Misha Petrowski was living near Kiev when the Austrian army killed his family. If Russian children lost their parents in times of war, it was customary for those children to enlist in the war effort - that is exactly what Misha did.

25 minutes

