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Sìth na sràide/Warden Peace

Episode 3 of 10

Fraochy Bay's peace and quiet is shattered at the hands of a short-sighted traffic warden causing havoc in the town.

LΓ  Γ bhaisteach eile ann a Fraochy Bay... agus cΓΉisean a' dol bun os cionn. An turus-sa tha maor-trafaig 's a' bhaile nach eil mothachail air mar a tha a fhradharc a' dol bhuaithe. Feumaidh muinntir a' bhaile smachd fhaighinn air a ghnothaich.

Fraochy Bay's peace and quiet is shattered once again. This time at the hands of a short-sighted traffic warden who causes havoc in the town. It's up to the residents to find a creative solution.

10 minutes
