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An Teicheadh/The Escape

Drama series telling the story of WWI as seen through the eyes of children. In this episode, a 13-year-old Flemish girl is caught stealing potatoes.

Sreath do phrògraman mu'n a Chiad Chogadh tro shuìlean clann a bha beò aig àm. Tha a' chaileag òg Justine Verbeeck à baile anns a' Bheilg, faisg air a' chrìoch ris an Òlaind dìreach trì bliadhn' deug a dh'aois. Tha an dùthaich aice fo smachd nam Gearmailteach. Chaidh a peanasachadh gu dubh nuair a fhuaireas ciontach i bho bhith goid bhuntata. Feumaidh i teicheadh a null dhan Òlaind troimh 'Ouèir a Bhàis', gus i fhèin agus a cuid teaghlaich a' shàbhaladh.

In this episode, a poor Flemish girl, aged 13, is caught stealing potatoes. The German officer punishes her strongly: four months in prison or an unpayable fine. She flees her home and crosses the Wire of Death, an electric fence on the Belgian border to raise the money in the Netherlands and save her family from this terrible plight.

25 minutes
