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Crisis in Social Care

Adrian Goldberg reports on social care, with figures revealing that nine out of ten councils no longer provide care to people whose needs are assessed as 'low' or 'moderate.'.

5live Investigates has exclusive figures which reveal nine out of ten councils no longer provide social care to people whose needs are assessed as 'low' or 'moderate.' This affects people who struggle to wash themselves, dress themselves or perfom basic domestic duties. 500,000 people who would have qualified for social care five years ago can no longer access help from their local authority. The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services which has collated the figures, says the current social care system is 'unsustainable.' The Government says it is investing Β£3.8 billion pounds in the Better Care Fund which will help more people.

1 hour

Last on

Sun 14 Sep 2014 11:00


  • Sun 14 Sep 2014 11:00

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