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Duthchannan a' Cho-Fhlaitheis

A look at some interesting facts about the countries and territories that make up the Commonwealth. In the final programme, Derek and Megan look at the Americas and Europe.

Tha na geamannan a' tòiseachadh an-diugh agus sa phrògram mu dheireadh san t-sreath seo mu dheidhinn Dùthchannan a' Cho-fhlaitheis, tha Derek agus Megan a' toirt sùil air Dùthchannan Ameireagaidh agus na Roinn Eòrpa.

A look at some interesting and unusual facts about the countries and territories that make up the Commonwealth. In the final programme, Derek and Megan look at the Americas and Europe.

29 minutes

