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Hand Me Over Hand Me Downs; Life with a Disabled Child; Modern Slavery Bill

Life with a disabled child, triathlons, the modern slavery bill, author Katharine McMahon on The Woman in the Picture, the belongings of newly adopted Chinese children.

Life with a disabled child - a listener, Jenny, talks frankly about the realities of being the main carer of her 10 year old daughter with Downs Syndrome. Why have triathlons become such a popular sport for women - Lucy Gossage, a professional Ironman triathlete and Kimberley Mangelshot, training for her first Ironman event, join Jane.

Frank Field MP on the Modern Slavery Bill. It's estimated there are up to 4,600 slaves in the UK and globally the majority of slaves are women. So is modern slavery a feminist issue? Katharine McMahon on her new novel, The Woman in the Picture, based on one of the very first women to qualify as a lawyer. And Annabel Stockman, who began photographing the clothes of newly adopted Chinese children on the day she met and adopted her son Hua Hua. She has since photographed the belongings of more than 70 children born in China and adopted into families in Britain.

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45 minutes


  • Life with a Disabled Child

    A listener on the realities of being the main carer for a disabled child.

    Duration: 11:46

  • Triathlons

    Why have triathlons become such a popular sport for women?

    Duration: 09:00

  • Modern Slavery

    why, after the abolition of slavery over two hundred years ago, is this still happening?

    Duration: 07:10

  • Katharine McMahon

    A new novel based on one of the very first women to qualify as a lawyer.

    Duration: 07:42

  • Hand Me Over Hand Me Downs

    Annabel Stockman on the clothes and keepsakes of adopted chinese children.

    Duration: 05:51

Life with a Disabled Child

Jenny has a  10 year old daughter with Downs Syndrome. She got in touch with the programme  following an we did recently about the high cost and difficulty of finding childcare that fits in with working if you have a child with special needs. She thinks it’s not the only issue that needs highlighting about what life’s really like for parents who have a child with a disability. She says it’s difficult to be honest about you feel for fear of being seen as cold and uncaring. She talks to Jane Garvey about the realities of being the main carer for a disabled child.


Why have triathlons become such a popular sport for women? When they first started in the States in the mid-70s, they were male-dominated ultra-endurance events, but now they’re becoming more accessible with competitions of varying distances springing up all around the country. Some criticise the sport as being a middle-class sport – but do you need to have a huge bank account for the bike, the tri-suit and the goggles and Chrissie Wellington’s calves of granite, or can anyone do a triathlon? We will hear from an oncologist who has become a professional triathlete and an excited newbie who is competing in her first Ironman competition in a few weeks’ time.

Modern Slavery

Today (July 8) is the second reading of the . It’s estimated there are up to 4,600 slaves here in the UK. Globally the majority of slaves are women. Recent suggest 70% of those sexual exploited are women and 58% are forced into labour. So is modern slavery a feminist issue? And why, after the abolition of slavery over two hundred years ago, is this still happening?

Katharine McMahon

Katharine McMahon’s new novel, The Woman in the Picture, tells the story of Evelyn Gifford, a fictional character based on one of the very first women to qualify as a lawyer. Set in 1926 during the General Strike, Evelyn is juggling a complicated love life, a difficult family situation and all the while seeking justice for female clients in an extremely unequal society. Katharine, herself a magistrate, joins Jane to discuss the history of women in the legal profession and the real-life cases that inspired her novel.

Hand Me Over Hand Me Downs

Annabel Stockman began photographing the clothes of newly adopted Chinese children on the day she met and adopted her son Hua Hua in Hangzhou, China. She has since photographed the belongings of more than 70 children born in China and adopted into families in Britain. Her images document the clothes, toys, keepsakes and good luck charms that the children brought with them as they started their new lives in the UK. A collection of her photographs are currently displayed at the Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood. Annabel talks to Jane about her experience of adopting her son and daughter from China, and why she put together the exhibition.


Role Contributor
Presenter Jane Garvey
Interviewed Guest Lucy Gossage
Interviewed Guest Frank Field
Interviewed Guest Katharine McMahon


  • Tue 8 Jul 2014 10:00

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