Episode 5
DIY series in which TV personality Donnie MacLeod undertakes home improvements. In this last programme of the series, previous projects come together in time for the big reveal.
Tha Donnie 'Dòtaman' MacLeòid a' toirt sealladh dhuinn air cho comasach 's a tha e air DIY! Le òrd is sà bh na là imh, tha Donnie ag obair air an taigh aige fhèin. A' cùmail sùil gheur air cosgaisean, tha e ag ath-chleachdadh pris agus na mullaich agus a' dèanamh gu leòr eile airson dreach spaideil ùr a thoirt air a' chidsin.
Tha e cuideachd ag obair air an t-seòmar-suidhe a' cur teine ùr èifeachdach a-steach agus tòrr comhdach-blà thachaidh fon là r! Tron an t-sreath, tha Donnie a' toirt beachd no dhà dhuinn air mar a b' urrainn ar taighean a chumail ann an òrdugh - mar eiseimpleir, a' cà radh là r saimeant a tha briste, agus mar as urrainn mullach bòrd ùr a dhèanamh de dh'fhiodh a bha laighe gu aon taobh. Ge bith dè cho comasach 's a tha sibh, bidh rudeigin aig Donnie dhuibh! .
Well-loved TV personality Donnie MacLeod shows us a different side in this new series- his love of DIY! Armed with a hammer and saw, Donnie fearlessly undertakes work on his own home. In a cost-conscious refit of a 'granny-flat' kitchen, Donnie shows us how the likes of kitchen units and worktops can be reused to give a great new look, whilst also saving cash!
More money will be saved by an energy-efficient makeover of the living room, including a new fire and plenty of insulation! Donnie also provides tips to keep properties in great condition, such as replacing old rhones and guttering, sorting out broken step tiles and fixing a cracked cement floor, as well as some great pointers on what to do with spare decking!
In this last programme of the series, previous projects come together in time for the big reveal.
Last on
Innealan-dealain / Power tools
Duration: 03:28
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Donnie Macleod |
- Thu 6 Feb 2014 21:00
- Mon 10 Feb 2014 22:30
- Wed 6 May 2015 21:00
- Mon 11 May 2015 22:30
- Tue 28 Aug 2018 21:00
- Sun 2 Sep 2018 21:00
Companaidhean agus daoine a chuidich agus a ghabh pà irt anns An Dùbhlan
Companies and individuals who contributed to An Dùbhlan.