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Episode 17

Episode 17 of 24

Join Derek and Megan for more fun and games, as well as some more interesting facts about some of the Commonwealth Countries.

Bidh spòrs 's plòigh pailt aig Derek agus Megan an t-seachdain-sa. A bharrachd air fealla-dhà san stiùidio, bidh iad a' leantail orra a' toirt sùil air dùthchanan a' cho-fhlaitheis, bidh Steph agus Seumas a' dèanamh rudan cruthachail agus bidh sgoilearan a' feuchainn air an dùbhlan 'Puingean nam Boingean'.

Join Derek and Megan for more fun and games, as well as some more interesting facts about some of the Commonwealth Countries. Meanwhile, Steph and Seumas make some ingenious items and the school hopper challenge, 'Puingean nam Boingean', keeps on going!

1 hour
