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Feìll-Reic/Jumble Sale

Peppa's playgroup holds a jumble sale to raise money for a roof and Madame Gazelle asks everyone to bring something to sell. Peppa and her friends bring toys.

Tha croileagan Pheppa a'cuir Feìll-Reic air dòigh gus airgead a thogail airson mullach ùr. Tha a Bhean Uasal Leòma ag iarraidh air a h-uile duine seann dhèideag a thoirt a staigh airson a reic.

Peppa's playgroup is holding a jumble sale to raise money for a new roof, and Madame Gazelle asks everyone to bring something to sell. Peppa, and each of her friends, bring in some of their old toys.

5 minutes
