Ek Awaaz
Drama marking the first anniversary of the 2011 riots in Birmingham. Four fictional stories from the city, framed by a local journalist following events as they unfold.
A fictional drama marking the anniversary of the Birmingham riots, August 2011. Four monologues from across the city: a man trying to protect his shop, a police officer desperate to take action, a young lad out to patrol the local streets, and a woman witnessing the looting first hand; all interwoven with reports from an eager, local, journalist trying to make sense of the chaos unfolding around him...
Jaspreet..............Ameet Channa
Sam....................Pushpinder Channi
Ram....................Ashwin Bolar
PC Shah..............Manjeet Mann
Kiran...................Harvey Virdi
Written by: Alia Bano, Sonia Likhari, Shane Solanki
Directed by Naylah Ahmed.
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- Wed 8 Aug 2012 11:30Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Asian Network
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