NHS bill, tinnitus, pedestrians, teenage info, Vitamin D, cough mix
Dr Mark Porter demystifies the health issues that perplex us, including the causes of tinnitus, evidence whether cough mixtures work and who should take Vitamin D.
Inside Health covers the ongoing debate about proposed reforms to the NHS in England. This week Colleges representing nurses, midwives and physios have joined sceptical GPs and hospital specialists by announcing their opposition to the reforms. And, just out, a report by a cross party select committee on health questions whether current financial pressures make it too risky to implement the most radical changes in the Service's history.
Health Minister Lord Howe talks to Dr Mark Porter in response to the criticisms from Professor Martin McKee and Dr Clare Gerada in last week's programme..
And an Inside Health listener emailed to ask why Tinnitus confuses patients as well as doctors. Dr Max Pemberton investigates.
Plus why are teenagers - the most internet savvy generation of all - finding it difficult to access good health information in the internet? Psychologist Ellen Henderson at the University of Bath is one of the authors behind a new study looking at websites aimed at young people and offering advice on treating pain like headaches and period cramps.
Vitamin D supplementation is currently recommended for all groups at particular risk of deficiency - such as pregnant and breastfeeding women and young children - but three quarters of parents, and more than half of doctors, midwives and health visitors are not up to speed with the latest guidance, so don't follow it. As Chief Medical Officer for England, Dame Sally Davies, writes to healthcare professionals highlighting the importance of vitamin D supplements Inside Health talks to Nick Bishop Professor of Paediatric bone disease at The University of Sheffield.
Finally, our resident sceptic Dr Margaret McCartney explains why she doesn't rate over the counter cough mixtures.
Producer: Erika Wright.
Last on
- Tue 24 Jan 2012 21:00Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 4
- Wed 25 Jan 2012 15:30Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 4
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