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Episode 14 of 26

Ben reads Seren, Hari and Ela a bedtime story. When it ends, the Abadas decide to play the word game, which sends Hari to a windy garden looking for an owl.

Tha Ben a' leughadh sgeulachd dha na h-Abadas mus tig iad dhan leabaidh. Aig deireadh na sgeòil, tha iad airson an geama fhaclan a chlcuich, 's tha Hari ga fhaighinn fhèin sa ghàrradh a' coimhead son cailleach-oidhche.

Before going to bed, Ben reads Seren, Hari and Ela a story. When the story ends, the Abadas decide to play the word game and this sends Hari to a windy garden looking for an owl.

10 minutes


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