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Slighe dhan Fhàsaich - Into the Wild

Episode 6 of 21

We meet some people who have embraced Scotland's wild lands and explore whether there's a true wilderness left in Scotland.

Le sluagh air feadh an t-saoghail a' gluasad gu gnàthaichte gu na bailtean mòra, cha robh an iomadh buannachd a gheibhear bhon àrainneachd nàdarra, agus an tarraing a th' aig na h-àiteachan iomallach sin, a-riamh cho follaiseach. Dha mòran, tha fuireach anns na h-àiteachan sin air a thighinn gu bhith na dhòigh-beatha cunbhalach, fad air falbh bho chomhfhurtachd na
beatha làitheil.

A-measg nan daoine ris an coinnich sinn - teaghlach òg a bhios a' cur seachad gach samhradh air eilean uaigneach Mhiùghlaigh; sgrìobhadair-turasachd à rubha iomallach Chnòideirt a bhios a' togail dhealbhan fhiadh-bheatha; fear a tha stèidhte sa bhaile mhòr agus a bhios a' sgrìobhadh leabhraichean-iùil 's e ag amas air brosnachadh dhaoine a dhol dhan bhlàr a-muigh; dithis
pheathraichean bhon Eilean Sgitheanach a stèidhich boot camp anns an fhàsaich; agus cuid de Chlub Churach Steòrnabhaigh 's iad air turas campachaidh gu aon den iomadh eilean far chosta chorrach eilean Leòdhais.

With the current worldwide population shift towards an urbanised existence, the benefits of getting back in touch with the natural landscape and the lure of these wild remote places has never been greater. For many, living there has become a regular way of life, far from the comforts of modern living.

We meet a young family who spend each summer on the isolated island of Mingulay; an aspiring wildlife photographer and travel writer in remote Knoydart; a city-based guidebook writer who's aim is to get people out to the wild places; two Skye sisters who have set up a wilderness boot camp; and some of the Stornoway Kayak Club as they explore the rugged Lewis coastline and camp out on one of its many offshore islands.

1 hour


Role Contributor
Presenter Rhoda Meek
