The compelling story of a young Lewis shinty team who will stop at nothing to play the game they love.
Tha sgioba ùr a' tighinn gu aire saoghal na camanachd aig toiseach an t-seusain 2011! Cheadaich Comann na Camanachd dha sgioba à Leòdhas cluich anns an lìog nà iseanta airson a' chiad turas a-riamh. 'S e deuchainn a th'anns a' chiad sheusan seo agus feumaidh na Leòdhasaich dearbhadh gu bheil iad airidh air an à ite seo!
Ann an Camanachd Leòdhais - Dubh agus Gorm tha sinn a' leantainn a' mhanaidsear Pòl Duke agus an sgioba tro na duilgheadasan 's na dùbhlain agus a' cur eòlas air na cluicheadairean agus na caractaran eadar-dhealaichte co-cheangailte ris an sgioba.
Ciamar a nì iad an aghaidh sgiobaidhean stèidhichte na lìog? Ciamar a thèid dhaibh a bhith a' siubhal fad is farsaing air feadh na dùthcha? An dèan iad a' chùis sgioba a chur air a' phà irc gach seachdain? Agus aig a' cheann-thall an dèan iad gu leòr airson à ite cinnteach fhaighinn san lìog, agus leis an sin iomain a stèidheachadh ann an Leòdhas sna bliadhnaichean ri teachd?!
The beginning of the season 2011 and a new team is grabbing the attention of Shinty fans. For the first time the Camanachd Association have allowed a team from Lewis to compete in the national league.
This year is a trial period and Lewis are up against it to prove that they are worthy of securing a permanent place playing at this level. We follow manager Paul Duke and the team through the highs and lows of the season and meet some of the other characters associated with the team along the way.
How will the new boys fare against the league's established teams? How will they cope with the travel across the country? Will they manage to put out a team each week? And will they ultimately do enough to silence the critics and secure their position in the league - and truly establish shinty's place in Lewis in the future?
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Tha dùbhlan mòr ron sgioba ùr Leòdhasach
Duration: 00:32
- Mon 7 Nov 2011 21:00
- Tue 8 Nov 2011 22:00
- Mon 21 Oct 2013 21:00
- Mon 4 Jul 2016 21:00
- Tue 5 Jul 2016 22:00