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Sgoth (Cloud)

Episode 4 of 26

The friends ponder the word 'cloud' and one of them reaches for the sky to discover exactly what a cloud looks like and what it does.

Thig còmhla ri na h-Abadas air turas spòrsail eile agus iad a' sireadh facal ùr: 'sgòth'! Tha na càirdean a' cnuasachadh air an fhacal ùr seo agus tha aon dhiubh a' sealltainn ris na speuran airson faighinn a-mach dè th'ann an sgòth.

The friends ponder the word 'cloud' and one of them reaches for the sky to discover exactly what a cloud looks like and what it does.

5 days left to watch

10 minutes


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