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Fiaclan fiadhaich (The Dinosaur Dentist)

Episode 13 of 20

Welcome to the colourful and unusual world of Fraochy Bay. Local schoolchildren present the dentist with a monstrous problem.

Fàilte gu Fraochy Bay , baile nach fhaic thu a h-uile là! Is iomadh annas a tha ri fhaicinn sa bhaile , agus sin gun ghuth air cail ach muinntir a bhaile fhèin. Tha a chlann a' toirt caraid mor gu fear nam fiaclan.

Welcome to the colourful and unusual world of Fraochy Bay, a miniature metropolis somewhere off the fringes of the map. Local schoolchildren present the dentist with a monstrous problem.

3 minutes
