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Tha litir bheag na seachdain-sa aig Ruaraidh MacIllEathain. This week's short letter for learners is introduced by Ruaraidh MacLean.

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Mon 4 Jan 2010 19:00


An Litir Bheag 243

Tha sinn fhathast ann an Gallaibh an t-seachdain sa. Tha sinn a’ toirt sùil air dualchas Gàidhlig na sgìre sin. Seo comhairle à Gallaibh air deoch làidir. Tha i ag innse mun bhuaidh a bheir aon ghlainne, dà ghlainne agus trì glainneachan air duine. Tha mi a’ ciallachadh glainneachan de dh’uisge-beatha. Mus toir mi a’ chomhairle dhuibh, seo agaibh abairt no dhà: Is miste mi sin – “I’m the worse for that”. Is fheàirrde mi sin – “I’m the better for that”. Cha mhiste mi sin – “I’m not the worse for that”. Chan fheàirrde mi sin – “I’m not the better for that”. Seo a’ chomhairle, ma-thà: Aon ghlainne, chan fheàirrde ’s cha mhiste. Dà ghlainne, ’s fheàirrde ’s cha mhiste. Trì glainneachan, ’s miste ’s chan fheàirrde. An do thuig sibh a’ chomhairle? One glass, not the better of it and not the worse of it. Two glasses, the better of it and not the worse of it. Three glasses, the worse of it and not the better of it. Aon ghlainne, chan fheàirrde ’s cha mhiste. Dà ghlainne, ’s fheàirrde ’s cha mhiste. Trì glainneachan, ’s miste ’s chan fheàirrde. chionn ghoirid. Chunnaic mi seann tobar. Tha e ri taobh an rathaid mhòir eadar An t-Òrd Gallach agus Bearghdal. Tha feansa timcheall air. Agus tha clach ann air a bheil seo: “The Grey Hen’s Well. Erected by the Duke of Portland 1934”. The Grey Hen. A’ Chearc Ghlas, ’s dòcha? Cò bha innte? Uill, seo agaibh aon stòiridh mu dheidhinn an ainm. Bha banntrach a’ fuireach faisg air làimh. Bha seo o chionn fhada. Bha an duine aice air a mharbhadh aig Blàr Bhatairliù. Bha a’ bhanntrach a’ faighinn uisge an taighe às an tobar. B’ e far-ainm na banntraich “The Grey Hen” ann an Gàidhlig. Tha mi an dùil gum b’ e sin a’ Chearc Ghlas. Às dèidh bàs a’ bhoireannaich, thuit an taigh aice às a chèile. Ach chaidh stairsneach an taighe a chur gu feum a-rithist. Ciamar? Uill, mar leac an tobair. Sin an leac far an cuir neach a ghlùinean fhad ’s a tha e a’ tarraing uisge. Ùine mhòr às dèidh sin, chuir Diùc Phortland a’ chlach ann. Tha sin mar chuimhneachan air a’ bhanntraich.

The Little Letter 243

We’re still in Caithness this week. We’re looking at the Gaelic heritage of that area. Here is advice from Caithness about alcoholic drink. It tells about the influence one glass, two glasses and three glasses have on a person. I mean glasses of whisky. Before I give you the advice, here is a phrase or two. Is miste mi sin – “I’m the worse for that”. Is  fheàirrde mi sin – “I’m the better for that”. Cha mhiste mi sin – “I’m not the worse for that”. Chan fheàirrde mi sin – “I’m not the better for that”. Here is the advice, then. One glass, not the better of it and not the worse of it. Two glasses, the better of it and not the worse of it. Three glasses, the worse of it and not the better of it. Did you understand the advice? One glass, not the better of it and not the worse of it. Two glasses, the better of it and not the worse of it. Three glasses, the worse of it and not the better of it. I was in Caithness recently. I saw an old well. It’s beside the main road between the Ord of Caithness and Berriedale. There is a fence around it. And there is a stone there on which this is [written]: “The Grey Hen’s Well. Erected by the Duke of Portland 1934”. The Grey Hen. A’ Chearc Ghlas, perhaps? Who was she?  Well, here is one story about the name. A widow lived close by. This was a long time ago. Her husband was killed at the Battle of Waterloo. The widow got the house’s water from the well. The widow’s nickname was “The Grey Hen” in Gaelic. I imagine that was “A’ Chearc Ghlas”. After the woman’s death, the house fell to pieces. The house’s doorstep was used again. How? Well, as the well’s slab. That’s the slab where a person puts his knees while he’s drawing water. A long time after that, the Duke of Portland put the stone there. That serves as a memorial to the widow.


  • Mon 4 Jan 2010 19:00

All the letters

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Podcast: An Litir Bheag

The Little Letter for Gaelic Learners

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