Letter from America by Alistair Cooke Episodes Episode guide
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Dead Cat Bounce
After news of a double-dip recession, Alistair Cooke discusses Pope John Paul II’s visit.
Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Alistair Cooke reflects on the generosity of Andrew Carnegie.
The Avenues to Express Greed had Grown
Alistair Cooke considers the language used by Alan Greenspan to calm the stock markets
Don't Name it, Cure it
Alistair Cooke examines what President Bush is doing about fraudulent financial deals.
The Old West
Alistair Cooke considers the argument that sweat shop work is good for the employees.
American Policy has One Main Aim
A letter from a student leads Alistair Cooke to consider anti-semitism in New York.
Goldfinger is Still Alive and Well
Alistair Cooke remembers Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the second Gulf War.
The Last of the Old Time Gangsters
Alistair Cooke remembers the life and death of infamous American Mafia boss John Gotti.
A Ruin Running to the Horizon
Alistair Cooke reflects on the removal of the Twin Towers debris from Ground Zero.
Fountains and Trade Wars
Alistair Cooke examines George Bush's visit to Europe in the midst of a trade war.
Secret of Eternal Youth
Alistair Cooke examines the alleged forewarnings of 9/11, and the new elixir of life.
Joy and Sorrow for the Libertarians
Alistair Cooke analyses why China's newfound capitalism is fully sanctioned by Marx.
Princes of the Church Live as Princes of the World
Alistair Cooke explores how the Roman Catholic Church uses canon law to defend its clergy.
New York: How are you Doing?
Alistair Cooke considers the psychological damage of the 9/11 attacks on school children.
The Catholic Church and Child Sex Abuse
Alistair Cooke on the scandals of child sex abuse by clergy in the Roman Catholic Church.
A Window of Relief
Alistair Cooke examines the political split over the attitude of Ariel Sharon.
Middle East: Mind Your Language
Alistair Cooke examines the US involvement in the Isreal and Palestinian conflict.
Medical Buzz Words
Alistair Cooke considers the use of medical buzz words such as virus and Alzheimer’s.
Persian Poets Need Not Apply
Alistair Cooke contrasting the ways in which English and American schools teach science.
The Unsung Heroes
Alistair Cooke praises unseen fighter pilots protecting New York.
Memory of a True Great
Alistair Cooke pays tribute to the champion golfer and lawyer Robert Tyre Jones.
The Day the Money Stopped
Alistair Cooke recalls the day in 1933 when every bank in America shut.
High Noon
Alistair Cooke considers the flawed ideology behind the idea of an "axis of evil".
Giuliani Receives Knighthood
Alistair Cooke reveals America's objections and misconceptions of honours.
The Next Step for the USA
Alistair Cooke expresses his concern about the US government's desire to invade Iraq.
Pork and Dogs
Alistair Cooke explains why we should all be interested in the President's budget.
Aftermath of War
Alistair Cooke examines the ever changing nature of war and the Geneva Conventions.
Batten Down the Hatches
Alistair Cooke examines the very real impact of inaccurate weather forecasts.
Living Like a Queen
Would you live like a Queen? Alistair Cooke examines the lifestyles of the Royals.
There's No Place Like Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ
Alistair Cooke examines changes to US law making after 9/11 and Milosevic at the Hague.