Consumer news and issues with Liz Barclay and John Waite. Including Face the Facts.
Consumer news and issues with Liz Barclay and John Waite.
Visit Britain has criticised the government for not providing enough funding to promote the London Olympic games abroad. With Culture Minister Margaret Hodge, Kurt Jenson, Policy Director of the Tourism Alliance, and Roy Graff, Director of China Contacts.
How much cash do the Beatles continue to bring into their home city of Liverpool? And is the city making the best use of their legacy? Stephanie Power investigates.
Maureen and Kenneth Wicks had their fingerprints taken by American immigration staff and ended up in detention.
Face the Facts: John Waite investigates the links between a college in the UK and a global clothes recycling business. Students claim that they are being used as cheap labour to hand out leaflets and collect clothes.