Na Bleigeardan Episodes Episode guide
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Una fo ChΓΉram (Worried Winnie in Worried Silly)
26/26 Winnie spends so much time worrying, she can hardly do anything.
Murchadh Mì-Mhodhail (Rude Roger in Monkey Business)
25/26 Roger is being his usual rude self, but meets his match with Eddie and Else the chimps!
Beathag Bhragall (Bossy Bethany in Start This Cartoon Now)
24/26 Beathag finds herself in trouble at brownie camp when she starts bossing everyone around!
Ruairidh Robach (Dirty Dermont in Grime and Punishment)
23/26 Ruairidh loves being dirty, but his Aunt Clara forces him into having a bath!
Juile DiΓΉid (Shy Sophie in No Publicity)
22/26 Gaelic children's programme.
Coinneach Cunnartach (Dangerous Dave in Big Top Adventure)
21/26 Dave loves taking risks, so when he hears the circus is in town he rushes to join.
Seonag Sasta (Perfect Prudence in a Place for Everything)
20/26 Prudence loses one of her hair slides and won't rest until she finds it.
Calum le Ceist (Curious Calvin in When, What, Why and Where)
19/26 Calvin is so busy being curious that he forgets about his birthday.
Cairistiona Chearabach (Clumsy Clarissa in Whoops a Daisy)
18/26 Cairistiona finds a way to stop tripping over things, but it causes trouble for her dad.
Bilidh Borb (Boisterous Billy in Can't Stop Now)
17/26 Billy can only be himself when he gets a very boisterous friend to play with.
Iseabail Inbheach (Grown Up Gaby)
16/26 Gaby thinks she is really grown up, much too old for dolls and things.
MΓ rtainn Meadhonach (Sickly Simon in Monday Morning Fever)
15/26 MΓ rtainn always feels ill, but soon forgets his condition on an outing to the zoo.
Sìle Stòlda (Serious Sadie in No Laughing Matter)
14/26 StΓ²lda is always serious - until she goes to the funfair on a school trip.
Crisdean Crosta (Irritating Irvine in On Your Nerves)
13/26 Everyone is irritated by Crìsdean. His mum, his dad, his grandad, everyone!
Gormal Gharbh (Tantrum Tabitha in the Impossible Scream)
12/26 Gaelic children's programme.
Samaidh Smiugeach (Pickin' Peter in Pick and Mix)
11/26 Samaidh spends all day picking his nose and mistakes a caterpillar for one of his 'finds'!
Catrìona Chabach (Tell-Tale Tallulah in Do Tell All)
10/26 Catriona loves getting her friends into trouble, but one day her behaviour backfires.
Uilleam Eusgaidh (Wide Awake Wesley in Christmas Is Cancelled)
9/26 It is Christmas Eve, but Santa cannot deliver any presents until Uilleam goes to sleep.
Diorbhail Dhiochuimhneach (Forgetful Fiona in Whose Birthday Is it Anyway?)
8/26 Gaelic version of the children's programme.
Fionnlagh Fadalach (Too Late Toby in Late Again)
7/26 Gaelic children's programme.
Sue Stuiceach (Sulky Sue in the Big Sulk)
6/26 Sue gets into a sulk when her parents tell her that she cannot have a pet elephant.
Seumas Sanntach (Greedy Graham in Food for Thought)
5/26 Gaelic children's programme.
Bella Bagairt (Contrary Constance)
4/26 Constance likes doing the opposite of what people want, but Uncle Arthur finds a solution.
Jimmy Diogalach (Ticklish Timmy in Tickled Pink)
3/26 Timmy's birthday party entertainer, Korky the Clown, is not very funny.
Ceiteag CΓ²-ach-mi (Know-it-all Nancy in The Dinosaurs)
2/26 Gaelic version of the children's programme.
Anndra Amaideach (Silly Sidney in Mahogany Gorilla Pelmets)
1/26 Gaelic children's programme.
Bella Bagairt (Contrary Constance)
Constance likes doing exactly the opposite of what people want.
Calum Le Ceist (Curious Calvin in When, What, Why and Where)
Gaelic version of the children's programme.
Gilleasbuig the postman shows off his magic tricks
Gaelic version of the children's programme.