Consumer news and issues with Liz Barclay and Peter White.
Presented by Liz Barclay and Peter White.
As calls grow for TGV-style high-speed rail links in the UK, Mark Holdstock asks whether passengers would use them and scrutinises their environmental claims.
Should advertisements for cars carry more information about fuel efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions? With Liberal Democrat MEP Chris Davies and Paul Everitt of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.
Scientists are not sure why millions of baby oysters are dying along the French coast.
Is the amount of water being taken out of our rivers threatening wildlife? With Ian Barker, Head of water resources at the Environment Agency, and Barrie Clarke from Water UK.
Sales reps are using unlawful methods to sell expensive mobility aids to vulnerable customers. With Joanna Pearl, Senior Researcher at Which?
Diarmaid Fleming gives an update on plans, first reported last year, to build a motorway through the Hill of Tara, one of Ireland's most famous and historical archeological sites.