The Goon Show Episodes Available now

Dishonoured - Again—Series 9
13/17 Neddie Seagoon gets a bank job, but is it wise to put him in charge of the gold vault?

The Call of the West—Series 9
12/17 Count Moriarty and Grytpype-Thynne sell saxophones to the Indians in a cowboy caper.

Who Is Pink Oboe?—Series 9
11/17 Cowardly Captain Seagoon is at war. With Peter Sellers on leave, Graham Stark is enlisted.

Ned's Atomic Dustbin—Series 9
10/17 Number 10 is keen to secure a nuclear-free rubbish capability, but so is the Kremlin.

The Battle of Spion Kop—Series 9
9/17 The British mount a South African attack, but something is lacking.

Queen Anne's Rain—Series 9
8/17 Min is counting rain drops, but why is everyone so wet? Is royalty to blame?

Childe Harolde Rewarde—Series 9
6/17 Neddy goes in search of Excalibur and ends up 'in the drink'. From December 1958.

The Mountain Eaters—Series 9
5/17 Eccles and Ned set out to scoff Everest, with Grytpype-Thynne and Moriarty in pursuit.

The Million Pound Penny—Series 9
3/17 The Sockjelly Murder and the story of Ned The Miser! With Peter Sellers.

I Was Monty's Treble—Series 9
2/17 The British hatch a cunning plan to confuse the Germans. But who (or what) is Eccles?