A Point of View Episodes Available now

On Deer Stalking
Alex Massie on deer stalking and the bleak magnificence of the Scottish Highlands.

No News Is Good News
Will Self on his personal news blackout.

The Piano: A Lifetime of Wrong Notes
Sarah Dunant reflects on why she's no longer shunning Bach for Bowie.

Mixed Signals
Stephen Smith muses on HS2 and his grandfather's job on the railways.

The Wink of Dishonour
Howard Jacobson on the 'horrid fascination' of celebrity.

In the Spite House
AL Kennedy reflects on the intoxicating nature of hate.

My Love Affair with the Mysterious
Zoe Strimpel ponders the current resurgence of ghost stories.

Against the Bucket List
Will Self on the 'pernicious practice' of bucket lists.

The Trad Wife
Megan Nolan explores the trend of the 'trad wife'.

The Rationality of Monarchy
John Gray argues the case for monarchy.