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So You Want To Be A Scientist
So You Want to Be a Scientist 2012 is now closed. The winner of the award of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's amateur scientist of the year for 2012 was Val Watham. Find out more about the research projects of all the finalists below.
2012 finalists
See who got through to the 2012 final
Judging panel
Find out who the judges were for the competition in 2012
2012 finalists and their experiments
Isabel Thomlinson
Why are some sounds so annoying?
William Rudling
Can you match faces to the voice?
Dara Djavan Khoshdel
Can we measure the value of art?
Val Watham
How does fabric pattern affect size?
Last year's competition
2011 finalists
Learn more about Ruth Brookes and the other 2011 finalists