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How eccentric are you?
Ah, the eccentric. They’re those figures of harmless oddness that are as British as tea and scones and inexplicably barbecuing in the rain. But, as Will Self investigated in The Death of the Eccentric, these mainstays of the British psyche might be in danger of extinction. So, as a public service, we’re trying to unearth the massed eccentrics out there. Could you be one? Take this test and find out…
The Death of the Eccentric
Listen to Will Self's ode to an endangered species.
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The Death of the Eccentric
Will Self finds the last of a dying breed.
How biscuits got their names
Take a bite into the weird and wonderful world of biscuit names.
How we can all outsmart awkwardness
How not to say the wrong thing.
The bird or band quiz
Is it a bird or is it a band?