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Ramadan and Eid

Themes: Islam; Ramadan; Eid ul Fitr; celebrating world religions and Muslim beliefs.

Summary: You may want to use this video before Ramadan to explain what this means. Please check the Islamic calendar as Muslims use this to determine when Ramadan is. In 2019 Ramadan begins on 5 May and ends on 4 June. If showing a series of videos about Islam, watch this one after the 'What is Islam?' clip.

Resources: an image showing some .

Key links

The video:

The video is presented by 11 year old Sara - a young Muslim. She explains what Ramadan is - a month of fasting that all Muslims have to observe if they are old enough and physically able. She describes fasting as one of the 5 Pillars of Islam and intended to remind Muslims of those people who are less fortunate than themselves. Sara then prepares a meal with her mother, ready for sunset when the family will break the fast. Later Sara celebrates Eid ul Fitr - the end of Ramadan. She takes part in an outdoor celebration with fairground rides.

Duration: 3'53"

End of speech: '...a month of hunger, right?!'

Video questions

What are the main reason for fasting according to Sara?

Self-discipline and reminding what life is like for others who are less fortunate and do not have enough food.

Why is Sara not required to fast?

She is 11 years old so she does not have to fast until she is a bit older. Sara has decided to practise in readiness.

What happens at sunset during Ramadan?

Muslims break their fast with a special family meal.

When is Ramadan and how long does it last?

Ramadan falls in the 9th month in the Islamic calendar - meaning it occurs a little earlier each year in the UK. Ramadan lasts for about 30 days so is referred to as 'the month of fasting'.

What happens at the end of Ramadan?

The celebration of Eid ul Fitr.

Suggested framework

Content Guidance
1. Entry music As the children enter assembly, teachers could select from a range of music to sow seed in the children's minds. 'Celebration' - Kool and the Gang 'True Colours' - Cyndi Lauper It may be helpful to display the following words to share and define either before or after the video: 'Islam', 'Ramadan', Eid Ul Fitr', 'fasting' and 'Muslim'.
2. Introduction Explain to the children that Sara will explain what Ramadan is and how her family celebrate Eid Ul Fitr together. Perhaps share the questions and ask children to listen out for the answers to the questions throughout.
3. The video Play the video. The duration is 3'48” and the final words are: β€˜a month of hunger, right?'
4. After the video Explain that throughout Ramadan, Muslims think of those less fortunate. However, perhaps we can also think about our responsibility to helping the world to survive. Move to the reflection or prayer.
5. Time to talk Use the Video questions (above right) to help the pupils recall the information in the video. Then lead a discussion covering some - or all - of the following questions: 1. What food would you really miss if you fasted for 30 days? 2. How do you like to celebrate with your family and wider community? 3. Eid ul Fitr unites Muslims from all around the world at the same time. What other events do the same for people? 4. Fasting for 30 days requires a huge amount of self-discipline. Have you ever needed to use self-discipline? 5. Thinking about others also means taking global responsibility. What are your main concerns for our world right now?
6. Opportunity to sing An opportunity to sing your chosen song. Suggestions from ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ collections below. Please note some Muslims hold that music is inappropriate in the context of their faith, so if you are going to have a song here make it clear that the words and music are not part of Islamic worship, but are part of your school's tradition.
7. Opportunity for reflection β€˜Thinking of others’ is the focus of the reflection. How many times do you think of others on a daily basis? Who have you thought about today? What about on a global level, what are you concerned about? Do you know about global warming and conservation projects? Our world needs to be fixed and you are the next generation. What can you do to make a start?
8. Opportunity for prayer These thoughts could also be turned in to a prayer, using your standard form of address ('Dear God', 'Lord Jesus', etc). 'Our world needs everybody’s help. There are many concerns we all share - for example, fears for the environment...for those who do not have enough to eat...for those who do not have a suitable or safe place to live. Help us to develop the knowledge that we need so that we can do something about these issues. Give us the guidance we need to carry this work out. Amen.'

Suggested songs

Song Collection Significant words
'We will grow' All about our school, no 10 'We will grow / And share with each other / We will show / That we care for one another'
'Together' All about our school, no 13 'Gather round and share a problem' / 'Cos together, we can work it out together'