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‘I thought bowel cancer was something old, unhealthy men got’ — but more young people are being diagnosed with the disease

9 November 2018

Does recent evidence of increasing rates of bowel cancer in younger people mean that diagnosis and treatment should become an increased priority for GPs and the NHS?

Olivia was just 29 when she received her diagnosis

“When I was originally diagnosed, I actually felt a weird sort of relief because nobody had listened to me for so long and they kept saying it was food intolerances or period pains or IBS and I felt finally we know what it is and we can fix it.”

Treatment eventually resulted in Olivia being given the all-clear — but it came at a cost.

“I won’t be able to carry [a] baby anymore because I had to have 25 sessions of radiotherapy which zapped my uterus. [My husband Sam and I] were fortunate enough to freeze four embryos, so in the future we’re going to look at surrogacy.”

Bowel cancer in younger people – Claire and Olivia's stories

Often associated with older people, two younger women discuss having bowel cancer.

Claire is 40 and mother to three small children

“When they told me it was cancer, I didn’t believe them because I’m young and healthy and active and I just didn’t think that bowel cancer would happen to someone like me. I have absolutely no risk factors.

“I just think that GPs are not aware enough that this is a growing problem in young people. Young people do get bowel cancer and it is increasing year on year.

“I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with my kids [and create] good-quality memories. It’s just really important to live life as much as you can in the moment, at all times.

“You know, the whole arena of cancer research is changing so quickly before our eyes, I think there is a good chance that modern medicine will find a cure — or, if not, at least something that will keep me alive.

“It’s really important to spend as much time as I can with my kids. I want to see them grow up.”

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