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All in the Mind Awards 2023

Have you experienced mental health difficulties now or in the past? Is there a person or group that has made a huge difference to you?

Claudia Hammond and Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 4 want to recognise the people and institutions who have had a real impact on your mental health.

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Why do we have this Award?

A lot of us experience a problem with our mental health at some point in our lives and help and support from people around us can make all the difference to how we cope day to day and on the road to recovery. The Radio 4 All in the Mind Awards want to hear your experiences of brilliant mental health care and will recognise the unsung heroes who helped make the difference.

When do the Awards happen?

Nominations can be submitted via the website: from 22 November 2022 at 21:00 to midnight on 31 January 2023. We are looking for entries to the three categories below and you can enter as many or as few categories as you like, but do not submit more than one entry per category. We welcome submissions from people who’ve entered before but weren’t finalists who appeared on the programme.

Individual award

An individual family member, friend, boss or colleague who offered significant support.

In 2021 the winner in the Individual Award category was Natalie Kane, the manager of Trinity Tots nursery in Edinburgh. She was nominated by her employee, Gillian Muir. In 2008 Gillian received multiple mental health diagnoses, that resulted in her medical retirement from teaching. At her new workplace, Gillian found that management were willing to go above and beyond, Natalie was compassionate and empathetic, putting in place practical strategies to make working life manageable and enjoyable.

Individual Category winner Natalie Kane

Nominated by Gillian Muir for the 2021 All in the Mind Awards.

Professional award

A mental health professional whose dedication, help and support made a really significant difference to you. This could be a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, nurse, volunteer or other professional.

In 2021 the winner in the Professional Award category was GP Dr Celia Belk, nominated by Libby. Libby had attempted to seek out professional support for an eating disorder when she was 17, but found herself being pushed aside for what were considered ‘more serious cases’. Now 30, Libby receives caring guidance from Dr Belk, having formed a close friendship whilst navigating Libby’s disorder through the NHS.

Professional Award category winner, GP Dr Celia Belk

Nominated by Libby Watt, for the 2021 All in the Mind Awards.

Project award

A mental health group or project you took part in which made a big difference to your recovery or the way you cope.

In 2021 the winner in the Project Award category was Spectrum People, a charity providing meaningful activities and support for vulnerable adults and young people across the Wakefield District. Dawn, who has suffered from childhood trauma, addiction and homelessness, nominated the charity after reaping the health benefits of art therapy and gardening offered throughout the lockdowns during the pandemic.

Group Category Winner: Spectrum People

Nominated by Dawn Bland for the 2021 All in the Mind Awards

What happens next?

After a process of sifting through the entries and in some cases phoning the nominators, a judging panel of people with extensive experience of mental health will select nine finalists, three from each category.

All the finalists and their nominators will be interviewed by Claudia Hammond and broadcast on All In The Mind. This is Radio 4’s magazine programme on mental health, psychology and neuroscience which has been running for over 30 years.

The finalists will be invited to a ceremony in June 2023, at which the winners are announced.