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Money Muling

On the programme on Monday 3rd June 2024, we featured two young people who were unwittingly lured into money muling via social media, believing they were taking part in an investment opportunity. Both were landed with a fraud marker on their credit file, leaving them unable to get any kind of bank account or credit for six years.

The programme also featured an interview with Ebony King, founder of charity Elevate Her UK, who has been campaigning to raise awareness among youngsters of the dangers of money muling.

She gave the following advice to guard against the dangers:

“For parents, I would say that if they notice any new items being brought to the home, they need to question their child. And with young people, I would say they need to speak up. If they put in a situation where they're being asked to borrow money or to join any scams they should speak to someone, whether it's their parents, teachers, friend. And be very vigilant about where money is coming from.”

Find out more about the work of Ebony King
More advice on how to avoid money muling, spot a victim, and how to report it, can be found on the National Crime Agency website

I became a money mule by mistake

They thought they were investing online but instead ended up blacklisted.