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Parker was a member of the Belfast Group, the gathering of young writers assembled in the early 1960s by the academic Philip Hobsbaum. It included Seamus Heaney, who has recently said: I think Philips favourite was Stewart Parker, but Stewart went off after the first or second meeting. This was because he was on the move to America - in 1964 - where he taught at Hamilton College and then Cornell University. He moved back to Belfast in 1969 and was immediately involved in a whirl of projects: a pop music column for the Irish Times, a novel (never published), and work on a play based on the old Irish legend of Deirdre and Naoise. Although he had been involved with theatre for some time, he had also written poetry and fiction. Now, in the early 1970s, he fixed his attention fully on drama. In 1975, when he was 34, his stage play Spokesong was a runaway hit at the Dublin Theatre Festival and transferred to both London and New York. At a time when many felt that urban redevelopment was progress, Parker protested against it on the grounds that it would wreck communities, and destroy the fabric of Belfast. In Spokesong the main character, Frank Stock, echoes Parkers views: Its brutal. Its demented. Ripping out houses and shops and people whole communities so that you can truss up the city centre with enormous roads. Spokesong sets the tone for Parkers work. Its a play about ideas of progress and about the Troubles. But its also a play in which music features strongly - and were given a history of the bicycle which requires a character to ride a unicycle! Parker believed that theatre should be fun and playful Play is how we test the world and register its realities. Play is how we experiment, imagine, invent, and move forward. Play is above all how we enjoy the earth and celebrate our life upon it. All of his work would follow this pattern of taking serious subjects and treating them playfully. He wrote for radio and television as well as the stage, determined to reach as wide an audience as possible. He was extremely prolific after Spokesong, but his major works for theatre were what he called his three plays for Ireland in the 1980s. Northern Star from 1984 is about the United Irishmens Rising of 1798 and focuses on the Belfast man Henry Joy McCracken. His story is told in a series of theatrical styles which parody Irish playwrights from George Farquhar to Brendan Behan. Parkers love of Belfast comes through strongly in McCrackens wish to be able to walk freely again from Stranmillis down to Ann Street cut through Pottingers Entry and across the road for a drink in Peggys to dander on down Waring Street and examine the shipping along the river, and back on up to our old house The poignancy of the speech comes from McCrackens knowledge that his last walk though Belfast will be to the scaffold to be hung as a rebel. Parkers next play, Heavenly Bodies from 1986, is about Irelands great but roguish nineteenth-century man of the theatre, Dion Boucicault. This combines an examination of the political responsibilities of the writer at times of political violence - with a comic double act between Boucicault and Johnny Paterson, an Irish clown! Pentecost in 1987 is a play in which the fun is somewhat more muted. Set during the Ulster Workers Council Strike of 1974 it attempts to provide a model of reconciliation. In the same year Parkers six-part television series, Lost Belongings, was broadcast. This was a retelling of the Deirdre legend that beautiful and doomed girl of Irish myth - on what he called The fierce, drab, absurd streets of Belfast . When Stewart Parker died in 1988 aged only 47, he had written some 20 plays for radio, television and theatre. We will never know what more he might have done.     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