Rainbow cloud found in space by astronomers

Image source, ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)

Have you ever wondered what happens when two stars collide in space?

Astronomers - scientists who look at space - have taken a picture that shows what happens when a large star, called a 'red giant,' gets too close to a smaller star.

Using a really big telescope called ALMA they were able to take the amazing picture you can see above.

It shows the epic space showdown in action and you can see the rainbow cloud that looks like something out of a sci-fi movie.

The bright colours are caused by the two stars spitting out expanding rings of gas.

Tell me about the telescope

The ALMA telescope can be found in a remote part of the Chilean desert, in South America.

Why build a telescope in the middle of a desert where it's really difficult to get to?

Don't worry, there's a very good reason: it has to be far away from the bright lights that come from our towns and cities.

What does the discovery mean?

This is an important discovery because it helps us understand how our own Sun was formed billions of years ago. Scientist Sofia Ramstedt says the discovery "gives us important clues to solve this puzzle".

The part of space where the picture was taken is called star system 'HD101584'

Not very catchy is it! What do you think it should be called?

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