What weird things have you found in your school bag?

Image source, bbc

It's time to head back to the classroom and loads of you will be picking out your new school gear!

A survey reckons that this year, school bags could be filled with almost a mega £200 worth of gadgets.

We want to know what weird things you've found in your school bag?

Perhaps you've spotted a mouldy yoghurt pot at the bottom of your backpack? Or maybe you found a fiver you thought had gone forever?

Whatever it is, we want to know!

Thank you for all your comments, this page is now closed but you can read what everyone else has said below.

Your comments:

"In mine I found rocks, which were for a project for school but I was to lazy to take them out, some crumbs, from an old snack probably, a water bottle, a piece of paper with emergency numbers on it, a drawing, a blank piece of paper and a hole at the bottom of the bag, probably from the rocks."

Emma, 12, Halifax, England

"In mine I found a purse, phone, £3, an old pack of chewing gum, a pen without lid and 15 pencils."

Rosa, 9, Swindon, England

"My little brother found a mouldy yoghurt in his bag and I found £3 and an old bracelet!"

Jo, 13, Doncaster, England

"I found my old pencil case, a school book and an old tennis ball, but I took the book back."

Josh, 11, Chester, England

"Once I found a rotten banana in my bag!"

Serena, 9, China

"My friend has so much stuff in her pencil cases - she has to have 5 pencil cases! One for maths sets, two for pencils, one for pens and the last one for all sorts of things."

Laura, 12, Manchester, England

"My books, my pens, a folder of spare paper, my iPod, and a snack. By mid-term there will probably be pen lids, sweet wrappers..."

Chloe, 13, France

"In mine I had a couple of pencils and my last years pencil case! I also had all my Primary 7 work! I'm going to Grammar school now so I had to clear out everything!"

Katie, 11, Belfast, N. Ireland

"In my bag I found one of my pencil cases, a reading book from last year and my snack coupon which I no longer can use."

Zaina, 8, Thailand

"I have a reading book, writing book, drawing book, pen, pencil, rubber, sharpener, phone, purse, water, calculator, dictionary (foreign language and English), homework diary, ruler, coloured pencils, protractor, a pair of compasses, spare pen and pencil, homework folder, water bottle and and lunch box. I will also need all of that (new as most of it is broken) when I go back to school."

Courtney, 13, West Sussex, England

"In mine, I found £7 (don't know why it was there in the first place), an old calculator and a bracelet... not bad really!"

Charlotte, 13, Dorset, England

"I keep a magazine, my exercise books, planner, and an umbrella in there. I also have deodorant on P.E days, and a DT apron on DT and Art days. We wear blazers with loads of pockets so I keep all my stationery and a calculator and a mirror-hairbrush in there."

Kelsey, 13, Cheshire, England

"I found a drawing which I was meant to give to a friend and now I'm going to Year 7 I can't!"

Aaina, 11, London

"In my school bag, I found a pack of old chewing gum, school books and pens without lids."

Safa, 12, Dewsbury, England

"I have a writing book, pencil case and a lot more. I have just started high school so I don't know what I need just yet."

Emily, 11, Hull, England

"I found a mouldy cheesecake and my lost calculator but my calculator was covered in mould!"

Megan, 13, Reading, England

"In mine I have lunch money, smart card, purse, phone books, crisps, ipod and water."

Aisling, 12, Hertfordshire, England