Jersey gets 18 more defibrillators thanks to a donation

Image caption, A defibrillator delivers a controlled electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm

An anonymous donation has led to St John Ambulance buying 18 defibrillator machines in Jersey.

This brings the total in Jersey to 115.

Nigel Truscott, St John Ambulance Commander, said: "This marvellous donation continues to make Jersey one of the most heart attack aware places in Great Britain."

"Coverage is improving all the time but it can still get better and our vision is to have access to a defibrillator within a couple of minutes if needed."

"The first minutes of an incident are the most important with survival rates falling with each minute that passes.

"We have already commenced training of operatives for this distribution of machines and it marvellous that Jersey is now seen as the leader in ensuring its population have the best opportunity to survive a heart attack."

There is a with a map of details of where the nearest machine is.

Ken Vibert, chairman of the Committee de Connetables, said: "This wonderful donation now permits the remaining nine parishes to join the other three with defibrillators to give comfort to all parishioners that a machine is operational in every parish. I am sure each Connetable will communicate its location to all in his or her parish."