Five more cases of exam cheating

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Dubbed one of the biggest test cheating scandals in the US, more than 170 teachers and principals were found to have helped cheating in exams in 2009.

Ten Atlanta teachers have been jailed after investigators found wrong answers on test papers were erased and children told the right answers. The incentive - financial bonuses for good marks.

Here are five more notorious examples of exam cheating.

Nuclear trigger

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Red faces all round when allegations emerged in January that 34 US Air Force officers in charge of launching US nuclear missiles had cheated in proficiency tests.

According to the US Air Force, some staff had sent answers by text message to others at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.

It was a monthly test that all those dealing with nuclear missiles in the US must take.

Other officers were accused of knowing about the cheating but failing to do anything about it.

Chinese pharmacists

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In Shaanxi province, 2,440 pharmacists were accused of cheating in a national licensing test according to China's state TV.

The scam involved the use of earpieces last October.

Fake candidates were sent into exams to get hold of the questions, the reports.

They then left the test centres early to find out the answers.

Candidates who had paid the scammers the appropriate fee then received the correct answers through their earpieces.

Bihar in India

Several hundred people have been arrested in connection with mass school exam cheating in the Indian state of Bihar.

Parents climbing school walls to pass the answers though windows may not be the most subtle method, but it's by no means the only one.

Many students smuggled in textbooks and notes into the examination centres despite tight security.

Dartmouth College, US

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"Sports, Ethics and Religion" - the title of an undergraduate course at this US college in New Hampshire.

The ethics element seems to have been a bit lost on some students though.

Up to 64 were suspended for cheating in January, the reported.

At issue were electronic hand-held clickers registered to individual students to answer questions in class.

Some of these apparently fell into the wrong hands, enabling students to cheat.

Some face a one-term suspension, the college says.


Money seems to have been central to this one, according to the Cuban authorities.

Eight people, five of them teachers, were arrested last year accused of selling university entrance exams.

Thousands of of secondary school pupils in Havana were obliged to re-sit their exams, official newspaper Granma said.