Jobs Growth Wales: 10,000 young people helped

Image caption, The scheme is in its second year

More than 10,000 temporary jobs have been created for young people in Wales this year, the Welsh government says.

The Jobs Growth Wales programme offers unemployed 16 to 24-year-olds jobs for six months, with paid work for at least 25 hours per week.

It covers the cost of a minimum wage salary and the employer's National Insurance contribution.

Skills Minister Ken Skates said the figure for those staying in work or learning was also above targets.


A total of Β£75m is being given over three years to fund the programme.

Another Β£12.5m will be spent in 2015/16.

"This has been a stellar year for Jobs Growth Wales, with figures for the programme exceeding all expectations," said Mr Skates, the Deputy Skills and Technology Minister.

"To break through the 10,000 mark in number of jobs created and approved is testament to just how well this programme works and the esteem in which it is held.

"We've also seen the success rate - the proportion of young people remaining in employment or further learning - rise above 80% against a target of 70%."

, which is part funded by the European Social Fund, has so far created 10,231 job opportunities, with 8,150 young people filling these jobs.

In the programme's largest strand - the private sector strand - 81% of young people progressed into full-time employment, an apprenticeship or further learning upon completing a six month opportunity.

In October, Finance Minister Jane Hutt announced a further Β£12.5m in the Welsh government's draft budget to extend the programme for a fourth year.

It would lead to the creation of more than 4,000 extra job opportunities for 16-24 year olds in 2015/16 and taking the total target for the programme to 16,000 job opportunities.