Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton reported over Holyrood campaign spending

Image caption, Alex Cole-Hamilton has been reported to the procurator fiscal over alleged criminality

The Scottish Liberal Democrats' general election campaign director has been reported to prosecutors over alleged criminality.

Police have been investigating MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton following a complaint regarding last year's Holyrood election.

It is alleged that he may have breached the legal spending cap and filed an incorrect and illegal election return.

His party denies wrongdoing. Mr Cole-Hamilton has not been suspended.

A Crown Office spokesman said: "The procurator fiscal has received a report concerning a 39-year-old male in connection with an alleged incident on 7 June 2016.

"The report is currently under consideration."

A Lib Dem spokesman said that the party had "full confidence" that there was nothing in the complaint.

He added: "It's now nine months since the complaint was first made and the police have yet to interview any one associated with the campaign.

"We are fully satisfied that all election arrangements and spending was done in accordance to the law. Everything was done by the book and any proceedings will show this."

The SNP called on the Lib Dems to suspend Mr Cole-Hamilton from the party "until investigations have concluded".