Brexit: Who will be advising Sturgeon on the EU?

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Union flag, Saltire and EU flagImage source, AFP

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon sets up a council of experts to provide her with advice following the Brexit vote. So, who are these expert members?

Professor Anton Muscatelli - principal and vice chancellor of the University of Glasgow will be chairman of the group

Vasco Cal - former economic adviser at the European Commission

Sir David Edward - European Court Judge

Dame Anne Glover - former chief scientific adviser to President Barosso

Charles Grant - Centre for European Reform, London

John Kay - financial markets

Lord Kerr - diplomat, deputy chair ScottishPower, Carnegie Trust

Dame Mariot Leslie - diplomat

David Martin - Labour MEP

Amanda McMillan, CEO Glasgow Airport

Professor Alan Mille -former chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission

Anne Richards - M&G Investments & Edinburgh University Court

Frances P. Ruane - Irish academic economist & former director of ESRI

Alyn Smith - SNP MEP

Grahame Smith -STUC, Scotland Europa

Professor Andrew Scott - University of Edinburgh

Fabian Zuleeg - European Policy Centre, Brussels

Sir George Reid - Former Holyrood presiding officer

Sir John Grant - Former British diplomat

David Frost - whisky, trade expert, former diplomat. He joined the Standing Council on Europe when it was formed in June. However, he stepped down last month after taking on a .