Anti-nuclear campaigners stage peace walk at Faslane

Image caption, Demonstrators gathered at the gates of the nuclear base

Peace campaigners have staged a protest at the home of the UK's nuclear deterrent at Faslane.

Demonstrators walked from the peace camp near the Argyll and Bute site to the gates of HMNB Clyde, where the country's nuclear submarines are based.

Key figures from the disarmament movement attended the Nae Nukes Anywhere rally.

Representatives from the US, Israel, Russia and Germany were joined by Scottish makar Jackie Kay.

Image caption, The Nae Nukes Anywhere rally attracted international support

Ahead of the rally, organisers said: "Scotland is a significant and relatively autonomous part of a nuclear-armed state which opposes its possession of weapons of mass destruction.

"As things stand we cannot become a party to the new UN Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, but there are lots of ways in which we can align ourselves to the Treaty.

"The rally will be a fine opportunity to mark our determination to do so."